For a hustings that had a much heavier tone, I’m going to report back from a different position… that being largely the inside of the ladies toilets! (which, by the way are beautifully managed, thank you , The Greyhound Hotel , Builth Wells) .

Rather embarrassingly for one already so pink , I arrived at the Farmers Union Wales Hustings , in the back room of The Greyhound Hotel, with a raging gut rot. The weather was humid, and it was hot, very stuffy and, probably because I was feeling unwell, somewhat cramped up there on the top table. Luckily this time I had my fan with me. Unluckily I chose to sit centre of the long table meaning I had to disrupt every single candidate every time I had to dash to the loo…. luckily I was wily enough to use this to my advantage and time my ’emergency dashes’ to draw a line under or draw an end to any uncomfortable lines of questioning or answering….. I may be a Loony but I’m certainly no fool 😉
To be fair there was far more of a mix of questions than I had anticipated , far less on farming issues, far more on mental health issues. Sadly none of us really had any answers but nearly everyone had a heart-wrenching story. It was also apparent that none of us were up to speed on our knowledge of the Forces Covenant (other than the ex sitting MP who had been helping a member of the constituency with issues relating to it) but hopefully thanks to the emotive questions, the candidates will be more acquainted to it following research after the event.
The evening ended with a much needed light-hearted question thanks to Loony Party member, Tilly Twitcher, and it was graciously received and humorously addressed by all candidates, drawing the event to a positive close.
“You are all political animals, if you could be any farm animal what would you be… “
Thank you to FUW for organising this event