Last weekend I went to visit my bestest friend . I am 46 . I have been friends with Sue since I was 16 and began dating her son… Sometimes friendships don’t happen where you’d expect them. Some years later I split from her son (after the most lovely 3 year relationship) and she split from his dad (after 18 or so years of marriage). That was 30 years ago. At first we used to hit the singles scene together – parties, nightclubs and the like and shop. a lot.
I now live here in the middlest of Mid Wales and she still lives in the South Downs in a pretty little village with a pub and a post box. Actually it no longer has the post box.
So, we don’t get to see each other that much but with all the access through social media and phone we tend to know whats going on and keep in touch remotely. Lots of FB messaging and the occasional very long phone conversation. As such, when we do get together it tends to be both really really lovely, AND for a few days .
I went by train (I love using the Heart of Wales Line). with little effort and almost no stress. I went from here to Swansea, Swansea to Paddington, St Pancras to Luton. We shopped in Luton, drank coffee and chatted before going home and spending many hours chatting shit, laughing and unpicking each others problems – you know girlie stuff, spilling the beans. Next day we did more catching up and then on Monday we headed to Interior UK 204. She was working on her companies stand and I had booked a ticket as proprietor of our guesthouse as it was a trade fair rather than one open to the public. What a treat for me.
Apart from the excessive heat and the aching feet, I had a really great day. Five halls showcasing interiors : furniture, lighting, contemporary design, fabrics and wall coverings, art and accessories.
My highlights:

Out of the Dark, “recycling, restoring and revamping of salvaged furniture as a means to train, educate and employ young people from disadvantaged backgrounds” We all know the usual revamping – shabby chic, decoupage etc – this lot did it differently. The showcase stand was a project in conjunction with four designers and funded by the NEC

More Than Bags ltd-a company based in Angelsey (yeah Wales!) – fantastic light fittings using embroidered papers, fabrics and gorgeous woods
S Boads, showcasing his handmade lighting -lush lush lush – I must get one

Yulia Badian (Silk Felt Impossible Interiors) and her delicious and opulent silk/felt work. I cannot gush enough about her Woodland Boudoir Installation

Mystique Wholesale, there were several stands using this technique , creating liquid art framed prints but there’s (in my opinion) was by far the best and I loved some of their funky floor lamps
and finally….
Barnhaus– I went to the seminar and it was great. Architect based in Cardiff (again ,Wales yeah!), he was the winner of a competition issued by The National Self Build Association (NSBA) in conjunction with Grand Designs to design a home you under 50K that can be self built. I could tell you more but why not take a look yourself. social housing, Eco-housing, zero-carbon solutions awesome!
just for fun here are a few other pics of favourite objects: