Just a quickie post as my friend sent this as he could not get it to post…
Reviewing a Review!
Did any of you watch Ultimate Wedding Planner?! I understand its not everyone’s cup of tea, but I ask , because I was one of the eight contestants on what was a brand new series. Pitting eight wannabe wedding/event planners in competition for the title of “Ultimate Wedding Planner”. It’s available to catch up on on BBC iPlayer if you are interested. The difference to other reality shows is that it ends with a REAL couple’s REAL wedding on each episode.
Anyway, part way through, The Guardian printed a long, fairly scathing review, (I believe, in the same edition as it listed it as a highlight on its TV schedule). It was so funny, it prompted me to write a response to it’s author, Lucy Mangan, in the form of a blog post, as you can read here.
Subsequently I received this review of my blog reviewing the review of the show I was in!!!!! For some reason my site would not accept it, so it was emailed to me, here it is. Thanks Andy!
Berni. Congratulations on producing a balanced, fair, critical and engaging response to the article you quote.
We are all entitled to our views and preferences. But in doing so we should be respectful, courteous and aware of the impact it will have.
The media drive the focus towards engagement, creating debate and encouraging viewing numbers.
The reality shows go from the bizarre to the mundane. Both ends of that spectrum attract a certain positive and negative audience. And, that is the greatness of the human race.
If you don’t want to watch it you don’t have to. But if you watch it in order to create your own following by creating negative discussions based upon personal viewpoints then it is suggested you look inwardly and consider your own values.
On every show there will be those people like and those they don’t, but that will vary with each viewer, but primarily discover that groups stick together so get more of a common + or – effect.
The Ultimate Wedding Planner will entertain, frustrate, but will create ideas for thousands of couples watching this and planning their own weddings and what can be done with limited budgets.
As for religion, that is ones personal decision and take and care should be taken when making statements.
You have articulated openly, fairly and with recognition of individual difference in society and not trying to place people in silos.
You came across authentic, clear, value driven and caring. People using your services have a great time ahead.
