25 Day Reset, Mental Health & Wellbeing, product and activity reviews

Reasons for Positivity and Gratitude – Part 1

Reasons for Positivity and Gratitude

To say 2020 has been ‘challenging‘ is verging on becoming a mantra these days.  And saying it only helps to reinforce in our minds all the ‘difficulties‘, ‘sadness‘, ‘trials‘, ‘traumas‘ and things ‘missing‘ from our year.  This constant use of negative words and phrases only supports our natural propensity to dwell on the ‘problems‘.  We all do it, it’s human nature, as Alison Bean,(Counsellor and Psychotherapist) will confirm.

I am as ‘guilty‘ of it as anyone but since August this year I have taking progressive steps ‘forward‘ and joined programs, and ‘supportive‘ groups of people to try and ‘focus‘  on my ‘successes‘; ‘appreciate‘ my ‘achievements‘; ‘believe‘ in my ‘dreams‘.

As a result, I have become more aware of the ‘destructive‘ nature of my unconscious living ( Abigail Barnes #25dayreset, 24 Goal Year Program) and tried to be more conscious of where my mind takes me and redirect it back onto a better path.  As Abigail will continually remind us, “we control our own narrative” and should aim to “be our own role model“.

A Vase Full of Happiness

A vase full of happinessIt turns out that, despite everything, there are plenty of reasons for positivity and gratitude.  For the last 3 years Hubby and I have had a clear vase in our kitchen and by the end of the year it is brimming with little square of colourful paper.   (Our Vase Full of Happiness). Whenever we feel a gratitude or have something positive pop into our mind we write it on a square of paper and pop it in the jar… it can be anything from an unexpected call from an old friend, to a good review from a customer; from a ‘chore’ that went more smoothly than expected , to an amazing orgasm after a great date night (!!!…just putting this here to embarrass the kids and check you are still reading 😉 ).

Periodically we can dip in and read one to remind us that its not all ‘doom and gloom‘; that we have experienced a wealth of positivity and gratitude.  Then at the end of the year we’ll sit in bed one morning or evening with a cuppa and empty the jar, unfold all the squares of paper and read them out to each other, sometimes one of our own, sometimes one written my the other; and we remember the ‘joys‘ and ‘special moments‘ of the year ending.

reasons for positivity and gratitude

Tune in for some Seasonal Gratitude

Tune into this episode of Abigail Barnes, Productive Wellbeing Show, (Episode 99),  interviewing Alison Bean, Unique Minds UK (Counsellor/ Psychotherapist ).   Amongst other things they talk about keeping a ‘Jar of Positivity’ If you like it there are another 98 to watch!  One of them is an interview with me!!! And if you are not reading this straight after its written I feel sure there are episodes over 100!

**Here’s a little exercise to try.  Take note of how saying the red and green words out loud make you feel

(2) Comments

  1. Great post Berni – I love what you & hubby are doing with your vase full of happiness. Great positive messages, thank you.

    1. Berni Benton says:

      thanks Helen, When you start looking you can find so many nuggets of positivity xxx

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