My attitude to cut flowers is funny old thing. After all I love gardening, dead-heading, weeding, pruning. I love seeing the garden in full bloom and I’m aware that some flowers need picking to encourage more flowers to grow. Plus sometimes the rain, wind or our chickens damage a flower stalk so I’ll pick it up and stick it in a vase.
On the whole though, I’m not a cut flower person. I mean they look lovely in a vase in someone elses house in full bloom on a visit or in an arrangement at a wedding or on a table in a restaurant. But when I actually have them at home they just make me sad. They arrive at their peak and then you plonk them in water with a bit of food to prolong their life and you just watch them wither and die. Its tragic. Not to mention that in the confines of the house either, and sometimes, both Hubby and I will have an allergic reaction to the scent which is often quite overpowering when indoors.
I remember sometime back writing about my wishes for end of life. I wasn’t being morbid but I felt I should document the things I feel strongly about. One of my key requests was to have snowdrops, crocuses, and daffodil bulbs buried with me and absolutely no cut flowers. I don’t want my relatives and friends coming back to dead flowers, a bit too much morbid symbolism. But with bulbs they will flower and multiply year on year, and my plot, under what ever tree wherever that will be, will live on and bring joy and colour long after I’m gone.
funnily enough i also have a problem with house plants. In a garden I will nurture and tend, water and maintain but the minute a plant is in a pot in my house I look at it with bemusement as it droops or withers. I never remember to water it, or re-pot it or feed it. I’m an indoor plant murderer (remember that should you ever feel inclined to gift me a plant – if it has to live indoors I WILL KILL IT!!! ). It’s a shame really because I actually love orchids but once the initial flowers die off I have absolutely no clue how to tend it to ensure I get new life in future years. I’ve had two sad-looking specimens on top
of the piano for a year! I kid you not, in fact I am going to provide photographic evidence right now…

Our garden here at Cerdyn Villa B&B
I’m with you when it comes to looking after flowers. They are best off growing in the garden via the green fingers of loved ones. I sourced some fake ones from a charity shop that look lovely indoors and I’m considering treating myself to an artificial autumnal bouquet. #BlogCrush
i have some artificial flowers indoors and they’re lovely – even i can’t kill them 😉
I never really thought of it like that. I love the colour and freshness that flowers bring into your home, but yes it is sad when they die. I think the idea of having bulbs with you is really great – what a lovely legacy to leave. #blogcrush
thanks, yes bulbs as a legacy.
I remember when we moved hereto our home Cerdyn Villa, here in Mid Wales. Ity was the 4th February and at the end of our garden there is a copse of trees – we walked in there and the entire floor was a carpet of snowdrops – I cried. Snowdrops are the most joyful bulb, new life at the beginning of the new year
I didn’t used to like cut flowers, but having lived in a first floor flat with no garden for the last decade and a half, I’ve discovered I prefer cut flowers around to having no flowers at all… 🙂
I think I’d go crazy if i didn’t have a garden. I never sit in it but i do need to get dirty in it (I mean dig, weed etc!) or just do a once around it to see whats growing…. when i lived in a flat in london i spent much of my none work time in St James Park (i’d find myself weeding there too!!!)
I spend a lot of my time in London’s public parks and green spaces too! 🙂