Call me old-fashioned but you would think that a someone who threatened to ‘come round and punch you in the face’ , would not be surprised to discover they were not welcome to attend any gatherings of people you considered friends or felt remotely loyal to… Just saying. But hey ho.
What an emotional week. I have gone from elation to frustration; seething anger to overwhelming joy; been engulfed by angst to feeling calm and serene; guilty to blessed. I have arrived at this destination, a point in time of emotional joy and bursting with an overwhelming sense of my own good fortune.
Planning our 20th anniversary for later this year and realising the depth and breadth of friends & acquaintances we have, has been the major soother and reality checker. Gathering together the important people from each and every chapter, making contact, touching base, and hopefully tempting a few to join us later in the year.
That, coupled with overwhelming pride in my son , his commonsense, maturity and general demeanor. He has more patience, maturity and rationale than I.
I feel proud to have raised such a considerate, well-balanced and emotionally prepared young man. Kudos to me 😉
Then there were a couple of timely quotes that came to my attention – that one by “Rotten Cards” at the top of this blog was one.
And this was the other.
I know and my friends know, I will give of my time, energy, knowledge and the little money I have to support or help anyone, but they only ever screw me over twice. Yes, sadly, twice. The first time, I’m prepared to forgive and move on, but the second… more fool me if I do and their loss eh?
Those two little quotes have enabled me to calm down, assess and re-evaluate. The irony in one instance has made me randomly start giggling to myself. Don’t take it personally if you were caught with me giggling in your general direction – haha.
Perhaps the most significant was a little throw away challenge in the form of one of the many “nominee challenge” posts any regular Facebook user might come across.
Somebody posted five photos of herself entitled ” Five photos that make me feel beautiful”. (They also happened to be beautiful photos of her), but the point was images, hence memories, that made her feel special. I commented , she suggested I do it.
For some reason, it struck an emotional chord. I enjoyed several days of contemplation, deliberation and looking through old photo albums and picture files.
I came up with these:

So followers, if you are ever in need of reaffirmation try this challenge. I nominate YOU. Find 5 images that make you feel beautiful/blessed. I promise you, the process will take you on an emotional journey and you will feel more whole as a result…
…and finally…
..on taking the challenge I snuck in a 6th. OK, not strictly in ‘the rules’ but (a). things were getting a bit heavy up there and I felt I needed to lighten the mood and (b). Hell, the ‘rules’ can be whatever we want them to be….
..anyway heres image 6…