I realised in bed the other morning that I have regularly added fantastic blog posts by some amazing bloggers to the #blogcrush linky and at times have just shared fantastic blogs randomly because they’ve touched me in some way. What I should have done so I didn’t lose all these fab links was to post them on my own blog so I can go back and re-read my fave reads. So here I am avoiding work, reading through all the past blogcrush posts trying to find my faves to share them here for my readers (if there are any of you out there) and for my own enjoyment.
It’s like a great book or song, if it moves you then you really need to own a copy so you can allow it the opportunity to move you again in the future.
So to catch up a bit I’m going to list the ones I can re-find right here and from then onwards share them on rosetintedramblings as I discover them:
The Great Underwear Debacle by Shelbee on the Edge (July 18)
The recurring American Nightmare by Lisa Pormerantzster (Feb 18)
Bullying, Its Time For Change by Catie of Spectrum Mum (blogcrush 60)
Expat, Nomad , Immigrant by Mummy and The Mexicans (blogcrush 61)
Damaged – by Hazel of For the Life of Me (blogcrush 70)
When You Wish Upon A Star by Jo of Cup of Toast (blogcrush 72)
Happy Is The New Rich by Lucy of What My Fridge Says (blogcrush 74)
Why Is World Environment Day Important by Liberty on the Lighter Side (blogcrush 75)
10 Things I Wish My 18 Year Old Self Knew – by Tracey of Hooks and Dragons (blogcrush 78)
How Fake Is Social Media – Endas Story (Blogcrsh 79)
Don’t Tell Me I Don’t Do Enough by Wendy of Naptime Natter (blogcrush week 89 – 26th Oct 18)
Addict 101 by Katy of Katy Boos Blog (blogcrush 97 – 21st Dec 18)
Dad Dancing Disorder by Daddy Poppins (blogcrush 98 – 28th Dec 18)
My Brain Has TooMany Tabs Open by Lucy of What My Fridge SAys (blogcrush 99 – 4th Jan 19)
Saturday Brain Dump – again by Katy Boo (blogcrush 100 – 11th Jan 19)
I’m Offended By Your Offence by Thirsty Daddy (blogcrush 102 – 25th Jan 19)
BTW, if I’ve commented ever on how fab one of your posts is and not posted a link to it here, please share it with me again, I’d love to rediscover it x