Other Random Ramblings

Is it National Fuckwit Day?

The ratio of gobshite to fuckwit is really quite disturbing.

Is it National Fuckwit Day?

I only ask because I’ve had several calls this morning all have been completely moronic and nonsensical and every other situation seems to be winding me up.  If there was a swear box here today I’d have raised a shitload of money to help a cause.

Maybe I’m just in a bad mood.  I want to use words I would normally avaoid particularly those beginning with C.

Anyway.  This post is just a caution.  Stay away.  Normal happy go lucky service will resume asap

In the meantime I’d keep a low profile as I’m about to snap and its a bit of a blood bath when that happens

Image result for fuckwit

(1) Comment

  1. lol! Yes, I have days like that. (Popping past from Suzie Speaks, Sunday Blog share)

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