I am beside myself with joy , pride and excitement. Maybe it’s because its Christmas Eve and Santa will already be flying around dropping off pressies in the relevant time zones. More likely it’s because I received a demo copy of a 6 track EP of original songs by a young band called the Hurricanes of which Jason is part. I’ve listened to it a zillion times and my tummy flutters , I get goosebumps and have even shed a tear. Best Christmas present EVER. Sadly at this time I can’t share it as they’re sorting out copyright protection and sending it to recording studios. If I get any prouder I might burst. Not just in Jason but in all of them – so much talent. Zak & Oliver James write the lyrics and composition . Ellie on drums, Jason on guitar, OJ is vocalist, Zak – Bass, piano, backing vocals, guitar . session musicians, recording studio (What Budget Records)… they’re having a ball xxxx
You can listen to some live recording of covers via Soundcloud