Celebrant Views, Mental Health & Wellbeing

Candlelight Reflection

Emmett joining in the fireside candlelight reflection

memorial candles around the fire pitSince December ’23 I have been setting aside 1 hour per month (15th irrespective of the day of the week) for candlelight reflection .  In that hour I have been providing space and holding space for people who are grieving and those we have lost.

Monthly candlelight reflection

My monthly firelight reflection was an idea gifted to me as a result of my Death Doula Training and Grief Awareness Week.

I wanted to create something that would make a difference.  Not cost money and would  open up the conversation about death.

As I have a lovely peaceful garden it came to me that I could invite anyone along, without booking, to turn up and join me and my partner John, around a fire pit in our garden, to light candles and reflect on their loss.  The hour is held whether anyone comes along or not.

Emmett and Ella, soup and candlelightWhen people come they can speak, listen or sit in silence, or even cuddle our cat, Emmett.
They can attend for the whole hour or a few minutes.  I provide candles, chairs, drinks, fire and a “Little Book of Remembrance” in which they can write a message if they want.

Setting the intention

The intention is to do it every month.  Of course in December its easier to do candlelit remembrance because its dark by 5pm.  As summer approaches and its not getting dark til c 9:30, i realised that it will have to be an open invitation event from October to May because I cant always stay awake late enough in the summer.  HOWEVER!  if there is an interest in it continuing throughout the summer we will find a different way .

candles of reflection for Gaza and Ukraine It’s been such a poignant and cathartic activity, even on the occasions it has been just John and I.  Both of us have reflected on people we lost long ago in, what feels like, different lifetimes.

I have been asked to light candles on behalf of people who are not nearby and have written their messages in my little book.  And I have provided soup and space for a number of locals.

Its definitely a worthwhile thing and I cant wait to welcome it back into my monthly practice on 15th October 2024

If you would like to attend a fireside Candlelight Reflection session, they take place on 15th of each month… keep an eye on my Insta posts for timings (click on poster and follow).  We aim to hold an hour at dusk  so in winter it is earlierposter - call to action

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