What is ” My Life, My Death, My Wishes”

What is “My life, My death, My wishes”?  Well, I’m Berni B, a trained Funeral Celebrant and End-of -Life Doula, and I’m here to encourage you to talk about death and consider death planning.

As I age and come towards the end of my life, I have no way of knowing what’s around the corner, but I do know one thing, I want people to remember the vibrant and full life I lived before I became frail.  I want people to be aware of the life that I lived and the things that matter to me.  Even when I can no longer communicate them.

That’s why I’ve developed “My Life, My Death, My Wishes”; to ensure the lasting memories of me are not my last few days or weeks but the decades that led up to them.

It is so important that others know both want we want and what we DON’T want

My Life, My Death, My Wishes is a comprehensive package of templates, workshops, guides and useful signposts to ensure your life and your passions are documented to ensure that when you are dying and after your death, those who are caring for you can do so in a way that is aligned to your preferences, personality and wishes.

Do you feel confident that, if you suddenly became life threateningly ill your closest family and friends would know your wishes and preferences about your care?”
It is only fair that we help make the end of our life as easy as possible for those we love and leave behind.
I’m here to give you the time, space, information and tools to PRE-PLAN for the inevitable: DEATH.
Through group talks, coffee mornings, one-to-one conversations and family meetings, I want to help normalise the conversations and let you know your options. Not only that, but, as death is a subject we all try so hard to avoid, very few of us are aware of all the options available to us.
Did you know, for example, that there is no legal requirement to use a Funeral Director? In fact there are only two legal requirements in the UK for funerals. The time in which a death must be certified and registered. And how the body must be disposed of.**
“Bernie is an amazing person, she is kind, caring, informative, compassionate and inspirational. I would thoroughly recommend her, she is a pink haired diamond, much love and huge thanks” – Oct 2021

My Life, My Death, My Wishes: guides and templates

There are two packages available with delivery available, in-person, on-line, or a combination of the two.  There will also be a pre-recorded  package.  These are also options to purchase the individual templates as stand alone items.

A beautifully crafted, “My Life, My Death, My Wishes” Box is in its pre-production stages.  It will contain written instructions, templates and storage for all your life, death and after death documentation. Available to purchase in the not too distant future.

Practical and Care Planning for End of Life

Providing templates, helping complete them, identifying your needs, signposting, facilitating conversations

Gathering all you accounts, contracts, subscriptions, memberships in one place. Ensuring your executor has the access information they need and information on what to do with it.

Asking the right questions to enable you to think about and document what you want & don’t want .

Must do’s and options.

Advice and signposting re Lasting Powers of Attorney, Wills, Advanced Care Directives.

Death Wishes Planning 

Providing templates, helping complete them, identifying your needs, signposting, facilitating conversations

End of Life care, a holistic and personal approach

Funeral wishes planning, documenting and discussion

Facilitating family meetings

Advising on options available

Legacy projects

Quality of life statements

Helping you document your story

Comprehensive package

Both services in one – an even more cost effective option 


Initial 20 minute, no obligation, chat via telephone or zoom FREE

**Disposal means disposal by burial, cremation or any other means, and ‘disposed of’ has a corresponding meaning’ – source Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1926.



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